Chełmno nad Nerem – Kulmhof (camp, plaque)

Historical background

See above.

Description of commemoration

The Roma are mentioned on the general information board at the entrance from the parking lot to the former camp.


In Polish:

Cmentarzysko / niemieckiego obozu zagłady Kulmhof // W wyniku jego funkcjonowania / w latach 1941-1945 śmierć poniosło: / około 200 000 Żydów, / ponad 4000 Romów, / nieokreślona liczba Polaków / w tym dzieci z Zamojszczyzny / jeńców Armii Czerwonej / oraz czeskich dzieci z Lidic i Ležaku. // Ofiar zabijano spalinami / w ruchomych komorach gazowych w Chełmnie nad Nerem, / w czasie transportu lub na polanach lasu rzuchowskiego. / Początkowo ciała grzebano w masowych mogiłach, / później palono je w ziemnych krematoriach.



Cemetery / of the German Kulmhof extermination camp // As a result of its functioning / in 1941-1945, the following number of people died: / about 200,000 Jews, / over 4,000 Roma, / an unspecified number of Poles / including children from the Zamość region / prisoners of the Red Army / and Czech children from Lidice and Ležak. // The victims were killed with exhaust fumes / in mobile gas chambers in Chełmno nad Nerem / during transport or in the glades of the Rzuchów forest. Initially, the bodies were buried in mass graves, but later they were burnt in earth crematoria.


Date of the unveiling





52°09’16.4″N 18°43’30.6″E



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