Čierny Balog – Jergovska dolina

Historical background

See: Čierny Balog – Vydrovo

Description of commemoration

A small memorial, unveiled in 1999. In the upper left-hand corner, there is the coat of arms of Čierny Balog, whereas in the lower right-hand corner there is the national emblem of Slovakia. In the central part of the memorial there is an inscription. The memorial was photographed in 2009 by the implementers of the Slovak project Ma bisteren! In 2016, our project team was unable to locate it.


In Slovak:

„Občania / Čierneho Balogu / venujú pamiatke upálených / rómskych občanov / 14. Novembra 1944. // 15 júl 1999”


Citizens of Čierny Balog commemorate the Roma residents of their village who were burned down. November 14, 1944 – July 15, 1999


Date of the unveiling



Zuza Kumanová, Arne B. Mann, Ma bisteren! Pripomínanie rómskeho holocaustu, Bratislava 2014, s. 31, 33.

Zuza Kumanová, Arne B. Mann, Ma bisteren, Nové poznatky o holocauste Rómov na Slovensku, Bratislava 2015, s. 24.


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