Hamburg (memorial, Lohseplatz)

Historical background

See: Hamburg (plaque, Lohseplatz)

Description of commemoration

Heading from the connex container with the exhibition at Lohseplatz to the South, towards Baakenhafen Brücke, we choose a gorge, created artificially by the pavement built on the sides. The walls and white pebbles on the left give us the impression that we are near some railway tracks, maybe on some transshipment freight railway station. The impression is deepened by the still-blooming herbs growing out of the crushed stone. As we go further, we approach a square, which resembles a former platform. On our left and right there are parts of the tracks, even a railway switch is visible. In the central place of the square we find a huge concrete slab resembling an altar, on which there is a brass inscription in German embedded in concrete. On the left, in concrete showcases, behind glass, there are the names of all people deported from the Hannover Station in Hamburg. Transport after transport.


In German:

Denkmal Hannoverscher bahnhof // Zur Erinnerung an die Juden, Sinti und Roma / die von 1940 bis 1945 in 20 Transporten / aus Hambur deportiert wurden / nach Belzec, Litzmanstadt/Lodz, Minsk, Riga, / Auschwitz und Theresienstadt.


The Hannover Railway Station memorial. To commemorate the Jews, Sinti and Roma, who in 1940-1945 were taken to Bełżec, Litzmanstadt/Łódź, Minsk, Riga, Auschwitz and Teresin in 20 transports from Hamburg.



Lohseplatz, 20457 Hamburg, Germany


53°32’31.3″N 10°00’25.7″E

53.542028, 10.007139

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+ Hamburg (plaque, Nöldekestraße)

Historical background

See: Hamburg (plaque, Lohseplatz)


Description of commemoration

The building at Nöldekestraße 13, or actually the building at the corner of Nöldekestraße and Jutestraße has an architecturally interesting form. The tenement house which stands where the two above streets meet, does not create a corner, but a rounded space. In this place, a bronze plaque dedicated to the Roma and Sinti was placed on the brick building. The plaque commemorates the Roma and Sinti who on May 1, 1940 were arrested and deported to the death camp in Bełżec.

The plaque is illuminated (it can be seen that it was taken into account while designing the lighting plan of the entire building), and below it , there is a sort of a breach made of concrete, which is used e.g. to hang a wreath.

In addition to the poignant quote from Lanie Goldschabi Rosenberg, the plaque also presents a beautiful image of hands that look as if they were holding a coral necklace – but the hands are tied up with a chain, and instead of the necklace they are holding barbed wire.

It is a pity that even on the Internet it is difficult to find the author of the design of this sophisticated plaque.



In German:

Eure Leiden / euer Schmerz / sind die Narben / im Fleisch / der Welt. / *Lani Goldschabi Rosenberg* // Zum Gedenken / unserer toten / Hamburger / Cinti und Roma. // Am 1. Mai 1940 wurden aus diesem Gebäude die im Einzugsgebiet Hamburg lebenden Roma und Cinti verhaftet und in die Nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager deportiert.


“Your suffering, your pain – these are scars in the body of the world” (Lani Goldschabi Rosenberg)

In honor of all our Hamburg Sinti and Roma.

On May 1, 1940, Sinti and Roma were arrested in this building and deported to Nazi concentration camps.


Date of the unveiling

May 16, 1986



The Police Station at the corner of Nöldekestraße and Jutestraße

Nöldekestraße 13, 21079 Hamburg-Wilstorf, Germany



53°27’05.2″N 9°59’21.7″E

53.451444, 9.989361

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