Marburg (plaque)

Historical background

The memorial plaque was unveiled exactly on the 50th anniversary of the deportation of fifty Gypsies from Marburg to KL Auschwitz.


Description of commemoration

In the Old Town of Marburg, at Barfüßerstraße 45-12, that is near the intersection with Am Plan, on the facade of the historic building there is a large, flat bronze plaque, embedded in the wall above the eye level (at the height of the window sills on both sides of the plaque). The background of the plaque is textured, rough, and the letters of the inscription in German, written in a serif font are slightly raised in relation to the background. The plaque has a narrow frame without ornaments.

Below the plaque there is a flower hanger.



In German:

Am 23. März 1943 wurden / Sinti aus Marburg und Umgebung in das / Konzentrationslager Auschwitz deportiert. / Viele von ihnen wurden ermordet. / Mit ihnen fielen / über 500.000 europäische Sinti und Roma / dem nationalsozialistischen Rassenwahn / zum Opfer. / Wir gedenken der Ermordeten / und mahnen die Lebenden, / der Unmenschlichkeit rechtzeitig / entgegenzutreten. // Der Magistrat der Universitätsstadt Marburg. / am 23. März 1993


On March 23, 1943, the Sinti from Marburg and the surrounding area was deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Many of them died. With them, over 500,000 European Sinti and Roma fell victim to Nazi racial policy. In memory of the victims and as a reminder for the living to face what is inhuman when the time comes. The University City of Marburg Council on March 23, 1993.


Date of the unveiling

March 23, 1993



Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma Landesverband Hessen e.V. (German Sinti and Roma Association – Hessen)



Barfüßerstraße 45-12, 35037 Marburg, Germany



50°48’28.7″N 8°46’02.1″E

50.807971, 8.767246

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Puvogel, Ulrike/Stankowski, Martin: Gedenkstätten für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Eine Dokumentation, 2., überarb. und erw. Auflg., Band I, Bonn 1995, S. 340



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