Tübingen (plaque)

Description of commemoration

On the wall surrounding the church at the Market Square (Stifskirche na Holzmarket), on the right side of the souvenir stalls there are two bronze plaques: one dedicated to Jews (on the right), the other to Gypsies (on the left). The first plaque (the one on the right) was unveiled in 1983, whereas the plaque dedicated to the Gypsies was unveiled in 1995.



In German:

Sinti und Roma wurden / in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ermordet. / Viele wurden zwangssterilisiert und verfolgt. / Tübinger waren unter den Verfolgten / und Ermordeten. // Angehörige der Universität waren / unter den Vordenkern des Rassenwahns. / Einwohner unserer Stadt gehörten / zu den Tätern. // 1933 – 1945 – 1995.


The Sinti and Roma were murdered in the era of National Socialism. Many of them were forcibly sterilised and persecuted. The inhabitants of Tubingen were part of these persecuted and murdered. University staff were the leaders of racial persecution. Among the perpetrators there were also inhabitants of our city.


Date of the unveiling

October 23, 1995



Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma Baden-Württemberg (the German Sinti and Roma Association of Baden-Württemberg)



The wall next to the church (Stifskirche)

Holzmarkt 3-7, 72070 Tübingen, Germany



48°31’13.3″N 9°03’21.9″E

48.520361, 9.056077

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