Hanau (plaque)

Description of commemoration

On the eastern wall of the old town hall building in Hanau (behind the monument of the Grimm Brothers) there are two plaques. One of them contains information about the builders who reconstructed the demolished Hanau during the war. The other is a bronze cast that commemorates the Roma and Sinti, deported from Hanau and murdered.

The plaque may be hardly visible due to the wild wine growing on the whole wall from this side. It is located approximately in the middle of the wall, slightly above the eye level.

The inscription in German only.




In German:

Unter dem nationalsozialistischen / Gewaltregime wurden auch in Hanau / Sinti und Roma schuldlos und einzig / wegen ihrer Zugehörigkeit zur / ethnischen Minderheit gedemütigt, / gequält und verfolgt. // Im März 1943 / wurden Hanauer Sinti und Roma in das / Vernichtungslager Auschwitz / deportiert, die meisten wurden dort / ermordet. // Insgesamt fielen dem Völkermord / 500.000 Sinti und Roma zum Opfer. // Wir erinnern uns mit Trauer an diese / Menschen und ihr Schicksal. / Das Gedenken an sie ist uns eine / dauernde Mahnung. // Der Magistrat der Stadt Hanau.


‘Under the brutal national socialist regime, innocent Roma and Sinti were humiliated, tortured and persecuted in Hanau too. In March 1943, the Sinti and Roma from Hanau were deported to the Auschwitz death camp, where most of them were murdered.

In total, 500,000 Sinti and Roma became victims of genocide. We remember those people and their fate with pain. This commemoration is a reminder to us.

Hanau City Council’


Date of the unveiling

March 20, 1999


The German Sinti and Roma Association, Landesverband Hessen e.V.


Rathaus, Am Markt 14-18, 63456 Hanau, Germany

(the eastern wall of the old town hall)


50°07’59.9″N 8°55’02.1″E

50.133306, 8.917250

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