Osnabrück (plaque)

Description of commemoration

Leaving the building of the Osnabrück Town Hall through the main exit on the left, we go directly towards the bronze memorial plaque, which is dedicated to the memory of Sinti from Osnabrück. The inscription in German informs that they have become victims of Nazism, and the biggest portion of the plaque is occupied by a list of names and dates of birth and death of Gypsies. The list of names is based on the Main Books of the Gypsy camp, which were hidden by the camp secretaries in Birkenau. They include the names of the Roma men, women and children deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau from February 26, 1943 to July 1944.

It is worth noting that a similar bronze plaque is placed in the passage under the city library building located at the Market Square in Osnabrück. It covers almost the entire height of the wall on the left of the passage. Behind it we can see a gallery window. This is a plaque dedicated to the Jews of Osnabrück.



Text in German:

Osnabrücker Sinti / ermordet in den Vernichtungslagern / der Nationalsozialisten //… (nazwiska) … // Und andere, deren Namen wir nicht kennen. / Wir erinnern uns, um nicht zu vergessen. // Der Rat der Stadt Osnabrück 8. Mai 1995.


The Sinti from Osnabrück, murdered in Nazi death camps (… surnames …). And others whose names we do not know. We remember and we will never forget. Osnabrück City Council, May 8, 1995.


Date of the unveiling

Mat 8, 1995



Osnabrück City Council, Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma



The plaque is located on the building at Bierstraße 28 close to the Main Market Square and the historical City Hall.

Marktplatz, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany




52°16’39.5″N 8°02’28.5″E

52.277639, 8.041250

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