Žiar nad Hronom

(known during WWII as Kríž nad Hronom)

Historical background

On 17.10.1944, after accusing the Šarkőzy family of helping partisans, the Germans burned 24 members of this family alive. The memorial is located in an area which is difficult to reach, near Partizanska Street No. 145 – where the Roma live today too.

Description of commemoration

The memorial is located about 30 metres from the road. Behind it, there is a small quarry. The heap of stones seems natural, but it shows traces of human activity – the remains of once planted flowers, which today have turned wild; the remains of candles; artificial flowers from a few years ago standing on the slab (faded, contemporary material).

Erected on a natural stone dump, the memorial consists of a concrete pedestal and a terrazzo slab. A gold-plated inscription is carved out directly on the flat slab of stone.

Apart from the name of the family, there is no information that the victims were Gypsies.



„Na tomto mieste / 14 októbra 1944 / fašisti upalili / 24 členov rodiny / Šarköziovývh”

(On this site, on October 14, 1944 r. fascists burned 24 members of the Šarkőzy family)

Date of the unveiling




Close to ul. Partizánska (Partizánska  Street) No. 145


48°35’30.8″N 18°52’39.3″E


Zuza Kumanová, Arne B. Mann, Ma bisteren, Nové poznatky o holocauste Rómov na Slovensku, Bratislava 2015, s. 25, 28, 40.






Dňa 11. 11. 2013 sme spoločne s deťmi zo ŠZŠ v Žiari nad Hronom a ich triednou učiteľkou navštívili pamätník na Slnečnej stráni, ktorý je venovaný 26 členom rodiny Šarköziových. Práve táto rodina bola počas druhej svetovej vojny fašistami upálená za živa vo vlastnom dome. Na pomník sme položili kyticu a zapálili sviečku. Spolu s deťmi sme si pripomenuli túto tragickú udalosť. Priblížili sme im historické udalosti z tohto obdobia a aj takýmto spôsobom sme chceli poukázať na hrozné udalosti z minulosti, na ktoré by sa nemalo zabúdať a mali by slúžiť ako memento aj pre ďalšie generácie.


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