Heidelberg (plaque)

Description of commemoration

On the wall of the building at Steingasse 9, in which the Vetter’s Alt Heidelberger Brauhaus is located, there is a small sandstone plaque, on which a bas-relief was carved, depicting human figures who comfort one another and require consolation. There are children among them. Those people are presented in a simple way, without details. The bas-relief is stylistically similar to the ones found in Düseldorf (Höherweg / Posenerstraße), Landau id ner Pfalz (Frank Loebsche Haus) and Asperg, and the memorial in Wiesbaden, perhaps made by the same sculptor-mason Josef Reinhardt.

An inscription in German was carved under the bas-relief.



In German:

Zum Gedenken an die / Heidelberger Sinti, / die dem / NS-Völkermord /zum Opfer fielen


In memory of the Sinti from Heidelberg, who fell victim to the Nazi genocide.


Date of the unveiling

May 11, 1993



A Sinti stonemason’s workshop Albersweiler



Landesverband Deutscher Sinti und Roma Baden-Württemberg (German Roma Association – Baden-Württemberg branch)



Steingasse 14, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany



49°24’45.5″N 8°42’34.9″E

49.412624, 8.709681

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