Jabuka k. Pančeva (memorial)

Historical background

See: Beograd – Sajmište/Semlin


Description of commemoration

The memorial consists of two separate concrete parts, on which 4 elements made of sheet metal in the shape of stairs (?) were placed. At the back you can see a structure made of angle brackets, which prior to 2014 had had 2 sheet metal parts, similar to those that still remain embedded in the front part of the monument. Today, only 2 of the 4 elements remain (press articles from 2014 talk about the devastation of the memorial and the disappearance of the first of the metal elements).

A concrete stand used to hold a plaque can be seen in front of the memorial (no plaque).

The monument is an example of a socialist-realist structure with the type of symbolism which seems to be too hard to grasp.

The area surrounding the memorial is designed as a place to hold commemorate meetings, including an amphitheater located behind the monument (judging by the materials used, it was built or renovated no more than 10-20 years ago). The vicinity of the amphitheater is now overgrown with dense acacia bushes.

As a result of the activity of vandals, the monument is currently being under surveillance. However, it has not been renovated.


Jabuka, road No. 131


44°55’44.0″N 20°38’02.4″E

44.928878, 20.634012

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