Kragujevac (memorial)

Historical background

See: Kragujevac (museum)


Description of commemoration

The memorial called Crystal Flower located in the Memorial Park Šumarice in Serbian Kragujevac is dedicated to murdered Roma boys.

A pavement of concrete slabs (heavily overgrown with grass) leads to the monument. About halfway to the left, there is a mossy rock with an invisible inscription. A little further, there is a concrete Gypsy wheel (8-spokes), placed flat, parallel to the ground. The concrete is cracked.

The memorial is made of concrete, reminiscent of an origami flower, folding inwards. It consists of two independent parts with lighting mounted in the ground between them.

Behind the monument there is a mass grave, with its sides covered with grass. The upper part is formed by plowed land. In the season, there are flowers planted there.

The back  of the memorial (the part invisible from the “route” marked in the Memorial Park) has been defaced by vandals. In general, the vicinity of the memorial  (the grass and trimmed trees) is well-kept, but the architectural parts are in need of renovation.


Apart from the signpost in Serbian and English: “Crystal flower”, the remaining inscriptions (on mossy stone) are indecipherable.


Date of the unveiling



Nebojša Delja



Desankin venac Street, Kragujevac, Serbia



44°01’00.4″N 20°52’56.1″E

44.016778, 20.882246

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