Stolberg (square, Gustav-Wassilkowitsch Platz)
Historical background
See: Stolberg (memorial)
Description of commemoration
Right next to the Roma memorial in Stolberg there is a pole with a sign informing that the former Railway Square is called Gustav Wassilkowitsch Square. Gustav Wassilkowitsch was the youngest of a group of 37 Gypsies, deported from the city on March 2, 1943.
In German:
Gustav Wassilkowitsch Stolberger Roma, geboren 08.08.1941; / am 02.03.1943 nach Auschwitz deportiert und ermordet.
Gustav Wassilkowitsch, a Roma from Stolberg, born on August 8, 1941; deported to Auschwitz on March 2, 1943, where he was murdered.
Date of the unveiling
Gruppe Z, VVN-BdA Aachem
Gustav-Wassilkowitsch Platz (former Railway Square), 52222 Stolberg, Germany
50°47’39.8″N 6°13’07.4″E
50.794389, 6.218722
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