Historical background
Várpalota – a city in western Hungary, in the Veszprém county. In 1945, a group of over one hundred Gypsies from Várpalot and Székesfehérvár were murdered and buried in a mass grave near Lake Grábler. One witness counted 118 victims, but this is probably not the total number of victims. Várpalota is probably the largest mass grave of Gypsies in Hungary.
Description of commemoration
A round wooden post features carved symbols of a wheel, a violin, a cauldron (?) and a horseshoe, and an inscription. The post is fastened to the concrete floor with pins and placed in the area separated from the small escarpment. The immediate vicinity of the memorial was lined with tiles, most of which had fallen off before 2016. In addition, there is a spray paint inscription on the concrete part, in place of the missing tiles.
On the wall:
Állítatta és támogatta: / Cigány Kissebbségi Önkormanyzat / Várpalota / Mensch Nemzetkőzi Alapítvány / Geiger András Alapító / Városí Önkormanyzat / Talágér Marta / Veseprémmegyei Önkormanyzat Kepyiselöje
(Erected and supported by: [listed organisations, including] The Roma Minority Association in Várpalota, International Mensch Foundation)
On the memorial:
1944 / Február 14. / Sorsotok / orok / Figyelmeztetes / a jovonek (govonek?)! / Soha / tobbé!
The corner of Rakóczy Ferenz and Mátyás Király Streets
47°12’08.3″N 18°08’12.1″E
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