Bremerhaven (plaque)

Historical background



Description of commemoration

On the wall of one of the campus buildings, near Kunsthalle at Karlsburg 4 in the coastal city of Bremerhaven, there is a bronze plaque dedicated to the Gypsies from Bremerhaven, who were deported to concentration camps at different times during World War II. Some of them, deported in 1943, had no chance of survival – they were taken to the so-called Familienzigeunerlager in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, intended for extermination.



In German:

Während des NS-Regimes wurden an diesem Ort, dem ehemaligen Gefängnis an der Karlsburg, am 16. Mai 1940 Bremerhavener Sinti und Roma interniert. Von hier aus wurden sie über Hamburg nach Osteuropa in die verschiedenen Konzentrationslager verschleppt.

Im März 1943 wurden Sinti und Rom aus unserer Stadt über das Sammellager im Bremer Schlachthof in das Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau deportiert.

Fast alle wurden ermordet. Mit ihnen fielen über 500.000 Sinti und Roma dem nationalsozialistischen Rassenwahn zum Opfer.

Wir gedenken der Toten und mahnen die Lebenden, Unmenschlichkeit und Rassismus entgegenzutreten.


In this location, during the National Socialist regime, there was a prison in which Gypsies from Bremerhaven were interned on May 16, 1940. From here, via Hamburg, they were sent to concentration camps in Eastern Europe.

In March 1943, the Sinti and Roma from our city were taken to the slaughterhouse building in Bremen, and then to the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.

Most of them were murdered. Together with them, over 500,000 Sinti and Roma became victims of racist Nazism policy.

We commemorate all those who gave their lives and remind the living to face injustice and racism.


Date of the unveiling

The memorial plaque: December 08, 1995

The memorial stone: 1988 – in the port



Karlsburg 4, 27568 Bremerhaven – the campus at Hochschule Bremerhaven, close to Kunsthalle



53°32’24.9″N 8°34’57.0″E

53.540250, 8.582500

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