Dortmund (memorial stone)

Description of commemoration

The memorial stands near the railway viaduct, close to the former Ostbahnhof station, from which more than 1,000 Jews and more than 150 Roma were deported.

It is a natural, uncut stone, with a silhouette similar to a pole (narrower in the upper part). At the bottom there is a bronze plaque embedded in the cut-out recess with the inscription in German.

The stone stands in a green belt between Gronaustraße and the wall separating the space from the railway embankment. On both sides of the stone, additional stone blocks were laid – as benches (?).

The surrounding of the memorial is neat, the grass is mowed, but there are no traces by the memorial to testify to the organisation of memorial meetings.



Text in German:

Vom ehemaligen Ostbahnhof aus, dessen Gelände / sich früher in unmittelbarer Nähe befand, / wurden am 9. März 1943 Sinti und Roma aus Dortmund / und Umgebung in das Konzentrationslager / Auschwitz-Birkenau deportiert. // Zum ehrenden Gedenken an die Ermordeten / und den Lebenden zur Mahnung, / stets rechtzeitig der Unmenschlichkeit / entgegenzutreten.


On March 9, 1943, the Roma and Sinti from Dortmund were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp from the former Ostbahnhof station, which was in the immediate vicinity of this location. In memory of the murdered and as a reminder for the living to always oppose everything which is inhuman in time.


Date of the unveiling

December 7, 1998



The corner of Weißenburger Straße and Gronaustraße, 44135 Dortmund, Germany



51°31’05.6″N 7°28’29.9″E

51.518222, 7.474972

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