Hamburg – Neuengamme (parts of the exhibition)
Historical background
See: Hamburg – Neuengamme (camp)
See also: Hamburg – Neuengamme (plaque)
Description of commemoration
At the permanent exhibition entitled ‘Traces of History: Neuengamme Concentration Camp 1938–1945 and Its Post-War History’, located in blocks 21-24 (later 25- 28) there is a number of relevant information regarding the Roma and Sinti imprisoned in KL Neuengamme, including photographs and documents.
In addition to general information – about the extermination of Gypsies, their numbers in the camp, etc. – there are also stories of selected prisoners: Waldemar Winter, Waldemar Herzberg, Georg Reinhardt, Sulejka Klein (who avoided death during the liquidation of Zigeunerfamilienlager in Birkenau, from where she was sent to KL Ravensbrück, and then to KL Neuengamme, but she died of exhaustion in the Hamburg-Sasel sub-camp at the age of 18 – it is also presented in the presentation on the screen) or Johann “Rukeli” Trollmann, a well-known German Sinti boxer, killed on February 9, 1943 (official cause death – cardiac arrest; see also:. Stolperstein).
Unfortunately, the materials are only available in German, and the abbreviated information in English, French and Russian (if available at all) is insufficient. For example, there is abbreviated information about Sulejka Klein and Johann Trollmann, but nothing about the other persons mentioned at the exhibition; there is no documentation in other languages regarding the file devoted to the „anti-social” prisoners in KL Neuengamme, the file entitled “Roma and Sinti in KL Neuengamme” and others).
Date of the unveiling
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme
Jean-Dolidier-Weg 75, 21039 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49 40 428131500
Wystawa główna:
53°25’39.5″N 10°13’47.8″E
53.427639, 10.229944
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Exhibition floorplan:
The map of the camp:
Roma-related exhibits: