Holzgassen (stolperstein)

Historical background

See: Holzgassen (memorial, cross)

Description of commemoration

The location in front of the building No. 27 in the village of Holzgassen is home to one of the most “accidental” and indiscernible stumbling stones (stolperstein) by Gunter Demnig. They can usually be found in larger cities, but this one seems to be even harder to spot. Only those who know what to look for can find it. The inhabitants of Holzgassen can easily give visitors directions on how to get to this location.

A stolperstein is a 10×10 cm brass tile, mounted into a pavement in front of the entrance to the building. It bears an inscription in German: name, year of birth and death, and place of death of Johann Kerndlbacher.


In German:

Hier lebte / Johann / Kerndlbacher / Sinto / JG. 1895 / lager weyer / deportiert Łodz / TOT. 7.1.1942


Here lived Johann Kerndlbacher, Sinto, born in 1895, a prisoner of the St. Pantaleon-Weyer labour camp for Gypsies (Arbeitserziehungs- und Zigeuneranhaltelager St. Pantaleon-Weyer), deported to Łódź, deceased on 7.01.1942.

Date of the unveiling

August 12, 2006


Gunter Demnig


Holzgassen 27, 5122 Holzgassen, Austria


48°08’30.0″N 12°49’20.8″E
8.141662, 12.822450


On the cemetery near the church in Ach one can also find a grave of Robert Kerndlbacher – a musician from the same family. Zob też: http://gedenkorte.sintiundroma.de/index.php?ortID=102


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