Reutlingen (plaque)

Historical background

A Sinti family Reinhardt lived in the so-called “Gypsy house” in Reutlingen. Their house use to stand in Gerbersteg street, but it was moved to the bank of the Echaz River, next to the bus station at the Villa-Brand-Platz.


Description of commemoration

A small half-timbered cottage with a pointed gable roof covered with ceramic tiles is currently locked shut. Even its metal, green shutters are closed. On the gable wall there is a bronze plaque with an inscription in German.



In German:

In diesem Haus wohnte / die Sinti-Familie Reinhardt / bis zu ihrer Deportation / nach Auschwitz am 15. März 1943. // Anton Reinhardt (*10.5.1895), / seine Frau Katharine (*28.5.1892) / und die Kinder Rosine (*1.8.1923), / Paula (*26.2.1926), Anton (*16.7.1928) / und Franz (*10.3.1932) // Wurden Opfer / des Nationalsozialistischen / Völkermords.


Before the deportation to Auschwitz on March 15, 1943, a Sinti family Reinhardt lived in this house (…). They became victims of the National Socialist genocide




Anton Reinhardt         born on May 10, 1895

Katharine Reinhardt    born on May 28, 1892

Rosine Reinhardt        born on August 1, 1923

Paula Reinhardt           born     born on Febuary 26, 1926

Anton Reinhardt         born on July 16, 1928

Franz Reinhardt          born on March 10, 1932


Date of the unveiling

January 27, 2007



The city of Reutlingen



Willy-Brandt-Platz, „Zigeunerhäusle“ – Gypsy House, 72764 Reutlingen, Germany



48°29’32.3″N 9°12’28.5″E

48.492309, 9.207904

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Reutlingen 1930-1950. Nationalsozialismus und Nachkriegszeit, hrsg. v. Stadtarchiv und Heimatmuseum Reutlingen, 1995.




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