Salzburg-Maxglan (memorial)

Historical background

Salzburg-Maxglan [TUTAJ ODNOŚNIK]

Description of commemoration

The memorial is located on the site of the former Salzburg-Maxglan labour camp. No traces of the camp have remained to this day. Currently this location includes an airstrip and hiking paths, with a residential district of small suburban houses located in the vicinity.

The monument, made of welded pieces of sheet metal,  depicts a human figure standing on a two-wheeled cart. It symbolises the day of work in the Maxglan camp.


„Zur Erinnerung und Mahnung / In Salzburg wurden mehr als 230 Sinti und Roma / Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Rassenpolitik. / Eingesperrt im so genannten „Zigeunerlager Maxglan”, / mussten sie im Rahmen der Glan-Regulierung Zwangsarbeit leisten. / Im Fruehjahr 1943 wurden sie in die Vernichtungslager deportiert.”

(As a commemoration and a warning. / In Salzburg over 230 Sinti and Romów / fell victims to the racial policy of the National Socialism. / Imprisoned in the so called ”Maxglan Camp for the Gypsies”, / they had to do forced labour on the regulation of the Glan river. / In the spring of 1943 they were deported to death camps.)


The junction of Glan-Treppelweg and Schwarzgrabenweg


47°46’43.1″N 13°00’34.0″E


See: Salzburg-Maxglan [TUTAJ ODNOŚNIK]



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