Frankfurt am Main (plaque, Hauptfriedhof)


Historical background

See, for example: Frankfurt am Main (plaque, Braubachstrasse)

Description of commemoration

At the Gewann Central Cemetery in Frankfurt am Main, there is a large site dedicated to the memory of those murdered during World War II. The victims whose remains are buried at this cemetery include 539 Germans who died in concentration camps, prisons or psychiatric hospitals, 617 prisoners of war and forced labourers from the former Soviet Union, 126 Polish prisoners of war and forced labourers, 27 unidentified dead and 175 killed, mainly from former Yugoslavia and the Baltic countries. The site features hundreds of identical graves, a mausoleum and a bronze sculpture of Job on a sandstone pedestal (pedestal prepared by Gypsy stonemasons from Landau) in the centre. On Job’s left hand, there are plaques mounted on almost the same level as the ground. The one closer to the monument has a “general” character, because it mentions “victims of 1933-1945 terror”. The other plaque commemorates the Roma and Sinti who became victims of the Nazi genocide. The inscription is in German.


Zum Gedenken an die / 500.000 Sinti und Roma, / die im / Nationalsozialismus / Opfer des / Völkermordes wurden


In memory of the 500,000 Sinti and Roma, victims of the crime of National Socialism.


Date of the unveiling

March 3, 1993


Gypsy craftsmen from Landau (Anton and Josef Reinhardt from Abersweiler near Landau in der Pfalz)


The Association of the German Sinti and Roma Landesverband Hessen e.V.


Hauptfriedhof Gewann I (The Central Cemetery), Eckenheimer Landstraße 194, 60320 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


On the left-hand side of the bronze statue of Job

50°08’10.6″N 8°41’34.8″E


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Puvogel, Ulrike/Stankowski, Martin: Gedenkstätten für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Eine Dokumentation, 2., überarb. und erw. Auflg., Band I, Bonn 1995, S. 300-301.



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