Landau in der Pfalz (plaque)

Historical background

Frank Loebsche Haus at Kaufhausgasse 9 in Landau in der Pfalz belonged to the Frank family from 1870. It was purchased by Zacharias Frank, great-grandfather of Anne Frank. It is a beautiful, large, gothic, three-storey building. During the war, it was used by the Germans to gather Jews, including the assembly before the deportation to the French camp called Gurs (so-called Judenhaus), located in the south of the country, on October 22, 1940. Today this building houses a gallery (downstairs: Galerie Z), a bit further there is a section devoted to the history of the tenement house and Frank Loeb himself, and on the first floor there is a permanent exhibition devoted to the history of Jews from Landau i.d. Pfalz and a board exhibition entitled ‘Survivors are an Exception: the Sinti and Roma Genocide’ (‘Die Überlebenden sind die Ausnahme. Der Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma’). At the top floor there are various educational rooms. In addition, the building also houses the Frank Loeb Institute and a Documentation Center.

A stolperstein dedicated to Olga Loeb, who was interned in Theresienstadt, was placed in front of the house, in the pavement. On the facade, to the right of the door – on both sides of a window – there are two memorial plaques.


Description of commemoration

A bronze plaque is on the corner of the Frank Loeb house, to the right side of the window. On the left, there is an information board of the same size, with a text about the house.

The text was prepared in German.


In German:

Wider das Vergessen // Zum Gedenken / an die / während des / Nationalsozialismus / deportierten Sinti, / die unter uns lebten. / Männer, Frauen / und Kinder – / Im Nationalsozialismus / wurden sie in die / Konzentrationslager / deportiert / und ermordet.


Against forgetting! In remembrance of the Sinti who lived among us and who were deported by the Nazis. Men, women, children – during National Socialism they were deported and murdered in a concentration camp.


Date of the unveiling

May 15, 2001



Verband Deutscher Sinti und Roma – Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz (the German Association of Sinti and Roma – Rhineland-Palatinate Area)



The house of Anna Frank’s great-grandfather – Frank-Loebsche Haus

Landau in der Pfalz, Kaufhausgasse 9, 76829 Landau in der Pfalz, Germany



49°11’57.2″N 8°06’44.5″E

49.199225, 8.112370

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