Main Building of  District Museum in Tarnów is located in a complex of sixteenth-century town houses at the Market Square in Tarnów.

Since 2014, District Museum in Tarnów has been conducting modernisation works of two Renaissance town houses at the Market Square in Tarnów (Main Building) under the project called: Restoration, conservation and expansion of public functions of historical buildings of  District Museum in Tarnów. For this purpose, the Museum will obtain approximately PLN 5.27 mio from the Regional Operational Programme for Małopolskie Voivodeship and ca. PLN 376,000 as co-funding from the state budget.

The main objective of this project is to improve the accessibility to heritage and cultural offer of District Museum in Tarnów, contributing to the increase in active participation of the society in the culture. According to plans, conservation works as well as works aimed at safeguarding those historical buildings, dismantling, construction and finishing works will be carried out. These buildings will be adapted for use by people with disabilities, technical installations will be modernised and green areas will be arranged in the yard. The individual museum rooms will be re-equipped and a permanent historical exhibition will be created. Tourists will be able to learn about the history of our city by means of state-of-the-art technology and according to trends adopted in other museums. A comprehensive renovation and modern exhibition will provide new quality to the perception of presented collections and services rendered by District Museum in Tarnów.

The completion of all investments is expected at the end of 2019.

Total Project value: PLN 9,250,663.39
Co-funding: PLN 5,645,616.69
Co-funding from the funds of the Marshal’s Office of Małopolskie Voivodeship: PLN 4,101,575

This project is co-funded from EU funds under the Regional Operational Programme of Małopolskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020, Priority Axis 6. Regional heritage, Action 6.1 Development of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Sub-action 6.1.1 Protection and care of historical monuments from the European Regional Development Fund.

fundusze europejskie

Contact to the office of the District Museum in Tarnów